WAHCA Board and Committees
The Washington Home Care Association (WAHCA) Board is looking for new Board and Committee Members

The board is open to interested members who want to be part of the directions of WAHCA and home care related issues in Washington state and on the federal level.
You must be a member of WAHCA to participate on the WAHCA board or a committee. If you wish to be considered for a position please respond by completing the form below. Name, Headshot, bio, and website will be used on the WAHCA website should you be chosen. We look forward to hearing from you.
A note from Shawn D’Amelio
Fall always shows us just how beautiful change can be! Change is inevitable, creating new and exciting energy!
He was right on all accounts.
I love this team…YOUR WAHCA BOARD….You should know that they have been out there fighting the good fight on behalf of all of you!
I am forever grateful to David Lawrence for the day he invited me to sit on the board of the Washington Home Care Association. He told me that not only would it help me grow as a business person and create new relationship, but that it would help our business grow in ways that I could not imagine.
These amazing volunteers have accomplished so much this last year from interactive WAHCA Lattes, a public and member facing website, forming a Public Policy Committee, planned not one, but two Blooming conferences, (hopefully not three due to COVID), produced social media, provided COVID-19 updates, found PPE suppliers, collaboration with DOH and other governing bodies, we had our biggest showing ever with a strong voice in Olympia for our In-Home Lobbing Day-educating our Senators and Representatives on our industry and most importantly supporting home care companies across the state to provide better care for our seniors and those in need.
What David didn’t tell me was how it would affect me personally because for me, the most important thing has been the relationships created and friendships formed between all of us! The industry leaders in this picture and the ones that built the foundation for us to stand on, truly speaks to what has made WAHCA an amazing experience over the last six years I have served on this board! Not to mention the fun we have had while traveling, lobbying, planning, collaborating, conferencing, zooming, eating ( a lot of cheese), laughing and BLOOMING TOGETHER!
The Washington Home Care Association (WAHCA) is currently in the process of succession planning and are accepting applications for the Board and various Committees. The goal of succession planning is not to make the current leadership dispensable, but instead to ensure continuity and growth of our association. This process provides a way to identify PWP’s ( PEOPLE WITH PASSION! ) for the home care industry, skills they excel in or are looking to grow! Together we create a team that moves the needle of In-Home Care by supporting our members through collaboration, education, and compliance to be the industry leaders and providing excellent care in Washington state. We invite you to submit your application and tell us what your passion is and how you would like to participate in WAHCA.
Where would you BLOOM? Please submit your application below.
To hold a board position you must work for a WAHCA Home Care Agency Member.