Looking for a location near you to get your COVID-19 vaccine in Washington?
How to Get a Vaccine as a Healthcare Worker
Information Provided by: Washington State Department of Health
Are you eligible for Phase 1A? Find out via the Vaccine Allocation documentation available at: https://www.doh.wa.gov/Portals/1/Documents/1600/coronavirus/VaccineAllocationPhase1A.pdf.
Get Access to the Vaccine
DOH is piloting a system for Phase 1A individuals that:
- Assesses eligibility confirmation – and provides confirmation that can be used at a vaccine administration site in lieu of an official letter (note: providers are likely to ask for ID and/or badge)
- Identifies where they can go to get vaccinated
Individuals who believe they are eligible for Phase 1A should visit this site: findyourphasewa.com.
Once eligibility is confirmed, the confirmation page will have a link to a website that includes a list of providers that are vaccinating people outside their system/facility with contact information to schedule an appointment.
Please know DOH is continuing to work with providers to add them to this list, so hopefully it will grow over time.
And if you or your colleagues have any feedback on the system, please share it at [email protected]. The system is currently in the “soft launch” phase.
Lastly, if you are aware of a clinic of providers seeking to get vaccinated, please work with the hospital identified as available to schedule the providers as a group, this will ease the logistical burden on hospital personnel who are also working to get their employees vaccinated.
Health insurers to waive copays and deductibles for COVID-19 vaccines
From the Office of the Insurance Commissioner Washington State
Media contact: Public Affairs, (360) 725-7055
December 30, 2020
OLYMPIA, Wash. – Most health insurers in Washington state have signaled their intent to immediately waive all cost-sharing for COVID-19 vaccinations. Policyholders will be covered regardless of where they receive the vaccination.
The federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act directs health insurers to waive copays and deductibles for COVID-19 vaccinations 15 days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention authorizes their use. Given that timeline, insurers would be required waive these fees after Jan. 1, 2021. But many health insurers in Washington state are covering the vaccinations as soon as their policyholders can receive them and regardless of whether the provider offering the vaccine is in the plan’s network.
COVID-19 Vaccinations for Home Care Workers
We are actively working with the Department of Health to better understand the timing and process of Covid-19 vaccinations for home care workers who are part of the DOH issued phase 1a.
DOH has confirmed that the current vaccine supply in Washington is very limited. DOH is currently working with health care systems and hospitals to determine those who are interested in offering to vaccinate phase 1a workers that are not employees of their system. DOH is also exploring how they can stand-up additional sites such as pharmacies or points of distribution (POD) where home care workers can be referred for vaccination.
It sounds likely that it will be January before there will be sufficient vaccine supply for home care workers to access vaccines; and several weeks before enough details around distribution will be known to provide detailed instructions to home care agencies and Individual Providers. We will also learn more in the coming weeks about whether there is enough supply to cover all home care workers with a single announcement or whether there will need to be risk stratification and notification of phases of workers over a period of time within 1a prioritization.
We have additional questions we have sent to DOH; and we are still seeking to understand whether other HCBS providers who are doing in-person visits to Medicaid clients are included in phase 1a.
Here is what we do know:
- Home care and home health workers are identified in phase 1a
- DOH has provided approval of a draft template letter that can be utilized as verification for Individual Providers, home care agency workers, and nurses contracted with the department who provide in-person services.
- Additional details around when, where and how to access the vaccine are needed before we issue verification template letters.
- The letter will be issued directly to individual providers, contracted nurses and to Medicaid contracted home care agencies.
We commit to keeping you informed along the way. It is very good news that in-home workers have been recognized for the essential work they perform; and for the COVID exposure and spread risk they experience as a result of the tasks they do to assist individuals to remain living in their own home.
Bea Rector / Director, Home and Community Services Division
Aging and Long Term Support Administration
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
Transforming Lives
Inslee announces guidance for long-term care facilities
As per Gov. Jay Inslee press…
Gov. Jay Inslee announced guidance today that allows long-term care facilities to offer visitation and other activities. Many long-term care facilities were forced to curtail social activities for residents and visitors earlier this year due to COVID-19.
Inslee was joined by Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Secretary Cheryl Strange, DSHS Assistant Secretary Bill Moss and Secretary of Health John Wiesman at a press conference Thursday for the announcement.
The announcement does not constitute an immediate reopening of all long-term care facilities, however. The plan goes into effect August 12, and even after it becomes effective, individual facilities must meet additional parameters before re-opening.